Sunday, January 2, 2011

Bringing in 2011

Hi everyone! Excuse me for my blogging absence, I've had a hectic week of working and partying celebrating the end of an amazing year and bringing in a start of a whole new one! I don't have any outfits to share just yet unfortunately, but soon I promise! For now I'm just getting myself prepared for my last semester of school (crazy!!) which starts tomorrow. I've got my Moleskine and Kate Spade notebooks ready to be used and my new and amazing black Lamy fountain pen with purple ink, so now it's time to get into the mindset of studying my but off.

What are my goals and wishes for 2011?
- Get my butt into shape...starting tomorrow I'm joining spinning classes with a few friends
- Travel to Italy for 1-2 months
- Move to a new city...sounds ambitious, but I'm graduating this semester and even though I love Montreal it's time to start a new chapter in my life. Thinking of either New York City or London or Paris
- Say 'yes' to as many opportunities that come my way as life to the fullest!!

What are your goals/dreams of 2011?!

Here is a song that I have been listening to NON-STOP for a few days now. The song sounds even better loud, so put up the volume as much as you can. Hope you enjoy it! And I also hope that you all enjoyed a fun filled weekend, I wish happiness and love for all of you in 2011 :)

Memory Cassette - Asleep at a Party


  1. I hope that all your goals and wishes come true!
    Happy new year.

  2. Liv in Mtl!! :-)
    Those are great resolutions! I have the feeling I'll only get to do the living in another city thing once I retire but I'm planning on being a super awesome eccentric old lady so it's something to look forward to! Less than four decades to go!
    Happy New Year!

  3. I'm also graduating this year so I have no idea where to go next. It's exciting isn't it! I think it will be a challenge to move somewhere completely new but it is a worth while goal :)

  4. Happy 2011 :)))))


  5. Great blog! Happy New yr to you resolution is to be more selfish (for many reasons!)

    p.s move to London! :) xx

  6. You're comments are hilarious and amazing! Love them all! Happy New Year :):) xoxoxo

  7. Wooohoo the necklace is dope!
    I bet it looks awesome when you match it up with the bow!
    So Blair-ish, no?

    Check out what's going on in my head :

    Feel free to comment and maybe follow me on bloglovin!
